- Task 1: Irrigation District Studies
- Evaluate irrigation district infrastructure using geographic information systems (GIS).
- Improve canal seepage loss measurements and conduct cost/benefit analyses of proposed projects.
- Help irrigation district managers evaluate proposed infrastructure improvements.
- Develop and implement a standard economic model to evaluate on-farm irrigation improvements.
Task Coordinators: Fipps, Sturdivant
Task Coordinators (NMSU): Samani, Skaggs
Task Members: Lacewell, Rister, ShengResources
Publications & Presentations
- Irrigation District Education and Assistance (IDEA)
- Evolution of Irrigation Districts and Operating Institutions
Texas, Lower Rio Grande Valley - Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects
Cameron County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Benito) - Interconnect Between Canals 39 and 13-A1 and Replacement of Rio Grande Diversion Pumping Plant - Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects
Edinburg Irrigation District Hidalgo County No. 1 - 72" Pipeline Replacing Delivery Canal and Multi-Size Pipeline Replacing Delivery Canal - Economic Methodology for South Texas Irrigation Projects - RGIDECON
- Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects
Harlingen Irrigation District Cameron County No. 1 - Canal Meters and Telemetry Equipment, Impervious-Lining of Delivery Canals, Pipelines Replacing Delivery Canals, and On-Farm Delivery-Site Meters
Annual RGBI Conference Task Group Presentations
- Task 2: Irrigation Education and Training
- Conduct irrigation research and Extension educational programs through the Irrigation Technology Center.
- Evaluate and demonstrate minimum performance standards for irrigation systems.
- Train private and commercial irrigators on improved methods and systems.
Task Coordinator: Fipps
Task Coordinator (NMSU): MaierResources
Publications & Presentations
Annual RGBI Conference Task Group Presentations
- Task 3: Institutional Incentives for Efficient Water Use
- Identify legal and institutional barriers that limit water conservation.
- Analyze impacts of alternative water management and incentive policies.
- Develop an electronic database of historical irrigated acreage in the Rio Grande Basin.
Task Coordinators: Fipps, Sturdivant
Task Members: Lacewell, Michelsen, ShengResources
Publications & Presentations
Annual RGBI Conference Task Group Presentations
- Task 4: On-Farm Irrigation System Management
- Demonstrate improved irrigation scheduling to optimize crop growth, yield and quality while conserving water.
- Develop water conservation strategies for flood, micro-spray and drip irrigation systems.
- Assess the costs and benefits of water management systems.
- Adapt crop production models for irrigated agriculture in the Rio Grande Basin.
Task Coordinator: Nelson
Task Coordinator (NMSU): Uchanski
Task Members: Enciso, Jifon, Leskovar, WiedenfeldResources
Annual RGBI Conference Task Group Presentations
- Task 5: Urban Landscape Water Conservation
- Demonstrate how to conserve water through improved landscape ordinances, designs, and irrigation systems.
- Develop guidelines for urban water conservation.
- Identify salt-tolerant varieties and demonstrate use of brackish wastewater for irrigation.
Task Coordinator: Lesikar
Task Coordinator (NMSU): Lombard
Task Members: Cabrera, J. Harris, NiuResources
Publications & Presentations
- How Much Water Do Xeriscape Plants Really Need?
- Water Conservation Checklist for the Home
- Investigating Water
- Urban Water Conservation along the Rio Grande
Annual RGBI Conference Task Group Presentations
- Task 6: Environment, Ecology and Water Quality Protection
- Screen private water supply for purity.
- Demonstrate how soil testing can help protect water quality and quantity.
- Demonstrate control of invasive aquatic weeds.
- Analyze Rio Grande River water for the presence of pathogens that could pollute irrigation water.
- Determine how much water can be saved through saltcedar control.
- Increase water use efficiency and reduce erosion on rangeland.
Task Coordinator: Moore
Task Coordinator (NMSU): Encinias
Task Members: Masser, McFarland, MueggeResources
Publications & Presentations
- Saltcedar Biology and Management
- Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin: A Bibliography
Annual RGBI Conference Task Group Presentations
- Task 7: Saline and Wastewater Management and Water Reuse
- Demonstrate use of treated wastewater and brackish water for irrigation.
- Train homeowners on installation of septic systems and implement self-help programs for wastewater treatment for colonias.
Task Coordinator: Ganjegunte
Task Coordinator (NMSU): DeMouche
Task Members: Lesikar, MiyamotoResources
Publications & Presentations
Annual RGBI Conference Task Group Presentations
- Task 8: Basin-Wide Hydrology, Salinity Modeling and Technology
- Cooperate with the Texas State University System, New Mexico State University, other State and federal agencies to develop GIS-based historical and resource databases.
- Cooperate to develop coordinated basin-wide hydrology and water quality modeling efforts.
Task Coordinator: Tech
Task Coordinator (NMSU): Sanderson
Task Members: Sheng, SrinivasanResources
Publications & Presentations
Annual RGBI Conference Task Group Presentations
- Task 9: Communications and Accountability
- Provide project oversight, communications support and accountability.
- Report program outcomes and results of collaboration among scientists, Extension personnel, institutions, agencies, and urban and agricultural clientele.
- Ensure timely communication of outcomes and impacts to various audiences through reports, feature stories, conferences and electronic media
Task Coordinators: Harris, Supercinski
Task Members: TechAnnual RGBI Conference Task Group Presentations