Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2010-11 Deliverables

Task 4 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Juan Enciso

We mutually agree for Dr. Juan Enciso to deliver the following during the period of July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011 using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:

Peer review publications:

Evaluation of Old Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems.  Journal of Water Management or Applied Research. Juan Enciso, Warren Multer, Xavier Peries, and Jose Morales.


  1. Vegetable Production using Subsurface Drip Irrigation. Onion and Watermelons will be irrigated with SDI to evaluate the yield response to different irrigation water levels (2nd year).  The experiment will be conducted at the Weslaco Experimental Station.  I am the principal investigator.  Other investigator is Dr. Jifon.  The experiment consists of four treatments and four replications.   Jose Morales will be helping with the demonstration.
  2. Grain production under water limiting conditions.  Corn and sorghum will be grown under different irrigation levels to obtain optimum irrigation levels. Other investigators are Drs. Jifon and Nelson.  Jose Morales will be helping with the demonstration.
  3. Impacts of Best Management Practices on Nutrient Loadings to the Arroyo Colorado.  Several farms will be monitored to assess the effect of different BMPs on irrigation efficiency and nutrient loadings.   A relation will be determined between irrigation management, water use and environmental pollution. The data will be used with SWAT model to simulate different management strategies. A post doctorate will be hired to help with the SWAT modeling.  Xavier Peries will be collecting the data from the sites.
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