Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2010-11 Deliverables

Task 3 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Guy Fipps

We mutually agree for Guy Fipps to deliver the following during the period of July 15, 2010, to July 14, 2011, using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:

  1. Pilot test and implement a basic training course and certification program for canal riders which includes a) duties and responsibilities, b) record keeping and data management, c) terminology and identification of gates, structures and other facilities, d) how to operating gates and farm turnouts, and to read meters, and e) basic canal management procedures.
  2. Develop a canal rider training CEU course on proper canal management
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the newly developed RAT (rapid assessment tool) methodology for identifying and prioritizing spill sites.  This evaluation will be done using the existing instrumented spill sites as well as by examining spill sites in other districts.
  4. Develop procedures for analyzing and solving the underlying problems that are causing excess spills in canal systems and incorporate into the canal rider training program.
  5. In cooperation with two districts, continue work on development and demonstration of the potential for improve water management through GIS, data and web integration.
  6. Continue the development and integration of an irrigation distribution network model and an on-farm water demand model with the goal of improving conveyance efficiency and system management.
  7. Conduct a water measurement workshop.
  8. Publish fact sheets on Selecting Canal Gates, Flow Measurement and Structures, and Understanding SCADA.  Develop a draft of a fact sheet on canal management with an emphasis on upstream versus downstream control methods.
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