2009-10 Deliverables
Principal Investigator(s): County Programs
We mutually agree for Texas AgriLife Extension Service to deliver the following programs in the Rio Grande Basin during the period of July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010 using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:
- Rangeland watershed management will be addressed through demonstrations and educational programs in Pecos, Presidio, Val Verde, and Crockett counties.
- Agents will assist Alyson McDonald, Extension Specialist, in determining the dynamics and/or factors effecting recharge of aquifers in the Rio Grande Basin.
- Irrigation efficiency, water quality issues, and crops and/or varieties that utilize water more efficiently in production agriculture will be targeted through educational programming and applied research projects. El Paso, Hudspeth, and Hudspeth counties will also conduct programs addressing irrigation efficiency. El Paso County will continue to work on salinity management on various crops.
- Assist producers with irrigation water testing in Reeves and Pecos counties to determine salinity levels, pH, Nitrate levels, etc. Required testing equipment will be purchased and agents will test water on site to assist producers.
- Water conservation and water quality issues in landscapes and turfgrass will be addressed in El Paso, Hudspeth, Culberson, Crockett, Loving, Ward, & Reeves counties through educational programs. Landscape design and the utilization of native and adapted plants will be presented through educational programs.
- Rainfall harvesting demonstrations will be completed and workshops will be conducted in Rio Grande Basin counties.
- In Home Water Conservation will be presented through educational programs conducted in Uvalde, Val Verde, Crockett, El Paso, Pecos, and Ward counties.
- Youth water education will include curriculum enrichment programs in the schools (Investigating Water), WaterFest, Youth Water Leadership Institute, and a Youth Natural Resource Field Day. The Pesticide Education Program will continue in El Paso County in collaboration with El Paso Utilities to help address water quality and environmental issues.
- Soil and water testing programs along with well water screening will be conducted in Brewster, Presidio, Terrell, El Paso and Ward counties.
- Travel to support educational programs and to attend professional development opportunities.