2009-10 Deliverables
Task 6 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Georgianne Moore
Ecohydrological controls on distribution of giant reed (Arundo donax) in the Rio Grande valley: Part A
We mutually agree for Dr. Georgianne Moore, in collaboration with Dr. Jason West, to deliver the following during the period of July 1, 2009, to June 30, 2010, using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:
This work will characterize the impact of Arundo donax invasion on water resources in the Rio Grande through quantitative estimates of the proportion of transpirational water derived from the river versus incoming local precipitation. Specifically, we will:
- Demonstrate and quantify how the water source used by Arundo may shift back and forth from river to rain water over time as conditions change. Similarly, we will document the farthest extent of the floodplain vegetation that can directly withdraw water from the river.
- Use outcomes of #1 to construct a detailed water budget for this species that provides estimates of how much river water is lost per river mile per day because of Arundo donax.
- Publish results in at least two peer reviewed manuscripts and two MS Theses (TAMU Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management). We will present our results at two or more scientific meetings (American Geophysical Union and/or Ecological Society of America) and at the annual RGBI meeting. This work will also appear in RGBI technical reports.