Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2009-10 Deliverables

Task 6 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Diane Boellstorff

We mutually agree for Diane Boellstorff to deliver the following during the period of July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010 using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:

1. Provide general educational programs in the Rio Grande Basin dealing with private water wells, wellhead protection and water quality protection.

2. Conduct private water well screenings in Starr County. Fecal coliform, nitrate and salinity screening, concentrations will be determined in wells in this county.

3. Water Quality Educational Seminar for citizens of Starr County. Provide education to correct identified concerns of screening.

4. Conduct private water well screenings in Edwards and Kinney counties to determine presence of fecal coliform bacteria, nitrate concentration and salinity (TDS) concentration of private water wells in each county.

5. Provide educational explanation of corrective measures necessary for identified problems associated with water screening for citizens of Edwards and Kinney counties.

6. Instruct at the Texas Science Teacher Advanced Training for Water on Rainwater Harvesting, Efficient Irrigation, and Water Quality. Also, Instruct at the Texas Science Teacher Training on Rainwater Harvesting, Efficient Irrigation, and Water Quality.

7. Conduct private water well screenings in Jim Hogg County. In addition to the fecal coliform, nitrate and salinity screening, arsenic concentration will be determined in wells in these counties. Arsenic is being screened based on concerned related to industrial and agriculture activity around water wells in this area.

8. Water Quality Educational Seminar or educational explanation of results of screening for citizens of Jim Hogg County and other counties in the Rio Grande Basin.

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