2009-10 Deliverables
Task 4 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Juan Enciso
We mutually agree for Dr. Juan Enciso to deliver the following during the period of July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010 using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:
Extension Publications:
1. Minimizing Impacts of Irrigated Agriculture
2. Surface Irrigation
Editor Review Proceedings:
Evaluation of Old Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Demonstration Trials:
1) Evaluate BMP’s to reduce NPS Pollution at the Farm Level-Arroyo Colorado Basin Assessment Project –TSSWCB Funded. Evaluate and demonstrate the effectiveness of irrigation of best management practices on reducing agricultural NPS loadings. Six demonstration sites were selected to assess loadings from agricultural runoff and leacheate produced by different BMPs and compare traditional practices with innovative. Water samples will be collected from drain tile and tail water to evaluate water quality parameters. Xavier Peries will be helping with the demonstration.
2) Irrigation Scheduling Demonstrations. The use of soil water sensors, rain gauges and flow metering devices are being demonstrated to schedule irrigation in several farms. This demonstrations and funded by ADI-TWDB and the Rio Grande Initiative. (10 demonstrations). Xavier Peries will be helping with the demonstration.
3) Evaluation of Center Pivot Irrigation. Irrigation uniformities and energy costs are being evaluated for center pivots and side rolls. Flexibility on the irrigation network is being analyzed for these irrigation systems. Xavier Peries will be helping with the demonstration.
Other Projects:
Two workshops on Urban Irrigation. Xavier Peries will be helping with the demonstration.
Water Conservation Agricultural Demonstration Initiative – Texas Water Development Board. I will continue to provide guidance and advice to the project. Other partners are: Texas A&M-Kingsville and Harlingen Irrigation District.
Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board
I will be responsible for the component “Evaluation of Best Management Practices to Reduce Pollution at the Farm Level” of the Arroyo Colorado Nonpoint Source Assessment Project. Some of the demonstrations mentioned above will be used on this project.