2008-09 Deliverables
Task 7 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Lesikar
- Upgrade training center in El Paso. The training center needs some revamping to bring it into an operational status. The venue can provide a means to conduct training in cooperation with New Mexico participants.
- Complete development of a training course on low pressure distribution systems titled "OWTS 330 Low Pressure Distribution Systems." This document describes the use of low pressure pipe systems for distribution of wastewater. These systems are available for wastewater distribution in clay soils. The manual is in a draft form and reviewed by county regulatory personnel. The manual must be submitted to TCEQ for approval.
- Evaluate subsurface drip tubing being used to distribute water from alternative sources. The emitters in the tubing will have their flow rate measured. Using the flow rate data, uniformity of distribution will be determined.
- Finish and submit the short course titled: "OWTS 310 Spray Distribution" for approval through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for use as a training course for wastewater treatment practitioners. The manual is drafted and will need to pass through the review process.
- Submit the short course titled: "OWTS 340 Troubleshooting Systems for High Strength Wastewater Loading" for approval through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for use as a training course for wastewater treatment practitioners. The final draft will then be developed and submitted for review by TCEQ.
- Initiate development of a short course targeting homeowners that wish to maintain their own onsite wastewater treatment system. The short course will discuss reporting issues, safety, operation, maintenance and monitoring requirements.
- Initiate development of educational modules to reach clientele through distance education. The general public desires to reuse their wastewater for landscape irrigation. This practice must be implemented in a safe manner. These educational resources will be necessary to reach the audience on a flexible time schedule.