2008-09 Deliverables
Task 4 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Shad Nelson
- Finalize a 5 year research project site at the Texas A&M University-Kingsville Citrus Center South Farm, focusing on irrigation savings in Flood, Drip, and Microjet Spray Irrigation and publish a research paper regarding results from this research project.
- Maintain a new collaborative research project field site located in Monte Alto, TX (land donated by Rio Farms) with newly planted grapefruit (5 year-old trees) with Irrigation Engineer, Drs. Juan Enciso, Entomologist, Dr. Mamoudou Setamou, and Plant Pathologist, Dr. Mani Skaria.
We will evaluate deficit flood irrigation impacts on crop stress, fruit quality, irrigation use efficiency, and evaluate systemic pesticides (Aldicarb and Admire-Pro) movement in soils and into citrus leaf tissues to relate irrigation impacts on pest control.
(The Monte Alto site was set up initially in Feb 2008 and data is already being collected. The project site was initially funded by seed money at $30,000 from the TAMU-Kingsville’s University Research Council grant obtained by Dr. Shad Nelson in Aug. 2007, but this funding support will terminate in Aug 2008. We would like to repeat this field study site and observe deficit flood irrigation impacts on young citrus over several years. Therefore, we are requesting that the RGBI provide funding support to help with this multi-disciplinary project site and establish it as a new long-term research and demonstration site.) - Acquire funding support by RGBI to hire a new M.S. student, Mr. Raul Ray Hinojosa, Plant & Soil Science major, to oversee data collect & analysis of the Monte Alto, TX research site.
- Provide data regarding water conservation strategies to stakeholders, extension agents, and scientific community through professional society presentations and newsletters (Agricultural Water Conservation Demonstration Initiative [ADI] and TAMUK Citrus Center newsletters).
- Present results at the 6th Annual TAMUS Pathways to the Doctorate Symposium and/or Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society annual meeting in 2008-09.