2007-08 Deliverables
Task 6 Research
Principal Investigator(s): George D. Di Giovanni
Task 6: Environment, Ecology and Water Quality Protection
- Analyze a minimum of five Rio Grande irrigation winter return flow water samples in the El Paso, TX/Sunland Park, NM, area before and after nanofiltration for enteric viruses, Cryptosporidium, Giardia and indicator organisms (E. coli, fecal coliforms and somatic bacteriophage) to determine microbial removal by drinking water treatment.
- Analyze a minimum of five wastewater and wastewater effluent samples for the presence of cell culture infectious Cryptosporidium.
- Positive virus and cell culture infectious Cryptosporidium samples will be analyzed by DNA genotyping and the potential host of origin (e.g. humans, cattle, birds) and risk to humans and animals identified.
- Results of the study will be published through the Texas Water Resources Institute in peer reviewed journals (e.g. Water and Health), presented at local and national meetings (e.g. Water Quality Technology Conference) and shared with the El Paso Water Utilities for outreach.