Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2007-08 Deliverables

Task 4 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Giovanni Piccinni

Task 4: On-Farm Irrigation System Management

  1. Continue development and test crop coefficients for sorghum (Year 2).
  2. Develop and test crop coefficient for onion (Year 2).
  3. Develop and test crop coefficients for cotton (Year 2).
  4. Test crop coefficients for cotton grown under limited/deficit irrigation.
  5. Develop and test crop coefficients for wheat.
  6. Develop and test the crop coefficient for Wintergarden crops grown under Batesville and Carrizo soil types.
  7. Compare newly developed crop coefficients with those developed in Weslaco (in collaboration with Dr. Wiedenfeld).
  8. Compare PET-based irrigation for corn, cotton and sorghum scheduling models with CroPMan model (in collaboration with Dr. Tom Gerik).
  9. Develop grower’s portfolio with recommendations for irrigation management of 2008 crops.
  10. Develop PIN to validate newly developed crop coefficients. On-farm collaboration with the growers to achieve/improve water savings.
  11. Collect, analyze and publish data collected from “On-Farm” research. Spatial statistic will be implemented to evaluate the landscape variability in this area of study. This will allow us to adjust the newly developed crop coefficients for the climatic variability and for the different cropping systems implemented in the region.
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