Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2007-08 Deliverables

Task 4 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Daniel Leskovar

Task 4: On-Farm Irrigation System Management

  1. Evaluate plant growth regulators to enhance drought tolerance of vegetable transplants.
  2. Determine the impact of irrigation rates and N source on yield and water use of onions.
  3. Compare yield efficiency of onions under the LPS and SDI systems.
  4. Evaluate irrigation and N rates on yield, head size and water use efficiency of artichoke.
  5. Evaluate N rates (as fertigation) on yield and quality of spinach.
  6. Present three papers in Horticulture Scientific meetings. Areas: transplant stress tolerance; irrigation and N strategies for vegetable crops.
  7. Submit two refereed publications related to stress tolerance and stand establishment in peppers.
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