Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2007-08 Deliverables

Task 3 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Zhuping Sheng

Task 3: Institutional Incentives for Efficient Water Use

  1. Continue to collect irrigation districtsÂ’ information and compile data to be incorporated into the coordinated database and GIS Web site.
  2. Deliver one workshop on the coordinated water resources database and numerical model development for the Rio Grande flood control planning.
  3. Participate in local, regional, state and federal water management meetings to exchange information and coordinate water resources research activities, such as Paso del Norte Watershed Council; Far West Texas Water Planning Group; Texas Water Development Board-Stakeholders Advisory Forum; U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; U.S. Geological Survey; and International Boundary and Water Commission.
  4. Provide assistance in enhancement of gage automation and telemetry monitoring system.
  5. Assist in the irrigation district distribution system model configuration and data collection as appropriate.
  6. Update and distribute irrigation network maps to farmers and irrigation districts.
  7. Update and distribute fact sheets and sample database information.
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