Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2006-07 Deliverables

Task 7 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Lesikar

We mutually agree for Bruce Lesikar to deliver the following during the period of June 1, 2006 to May 31, 2007, using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:

  1. Develop additional three video segments (2-5 minutes each) describing wastewater treatment and reuse issues. These short video segments will assist in delivery of pertinent information through a Web site or presentation.
  2. Teach two short courses at the El Paso and Weslaco Training Centers.
  3. Host a meeting discussing decentralized collection and treatment approaches for meeting the wastewater treatment needs in colonias along the Rio Grande. Discuss the use of alternative technologies and alternative collection approaches to meeting the needs of highly dense developments with limited land area for treatment.
  4. Print the ultraviolet light fact sheet describing how to use ultraviolet light as a method to disinfect residential wastewater. It is being edited by Agricultural Communications for placement in the TCEBookstore.
  5. Complete development of a training course on low pressure distribution systems titled "OWTS 330 Low Pressure Distribution Systems." This document describes the use of low pressure pipe systems for distribution of wastewater. These systems are available for wastewater distribution in clay soils. The manual is in draft form and reviewed by county regulatory personnel. The manual must be submitted to TCEQ for approval.
  6. Evaluate subsurface drip tubing being used to distribute wastewater. The emitters in the tubing will have their flow rate measured. Using the flow rate data, uniformity of distribution will be determined.
  7. Finish and submit the short course titled: "OWTS 310 Spray Distribution" for approval through the TCEQ for use as a training course for wastewater treatment practitioners. The manual is drafted and will need to pass through the review process.
  8. Finish and submit the short course titled: "OWTS 340 Troubleshooting Systems for High Strength Wastewater Loading" for approval through TCEQ for use as a training course for wastewater treatment practitioners. The manual is being distributed to a review committee consisting of national experts. The final draft will then be developed and submitted for review by TCEQ.
  9. Initiate the development of a short course titled: "OWTS 610 Small Community Decentralized Collection Systems" for approval through TCEQ for use as a training course for wastewater treatment practitioners and engineering consultants. The manual is being distributed to a review committee consisting of national experts and will need to pass through the review process.
  10. Develop a fact sheet describing the use of septic tanks with gravity collection and septic tanks with pumped effluent collection systems for use in areas needing service by a collective wastewater treatment system. It will be developed through Ag Communications for placement in the TCEBookstore.
  11. Initiate development of a short course targeting homeowners that wish to maintain their own on-site wastewater treatment system. The short course will discuss reporting issues, safety, operation, maintenance and monitoring requirements.
  12. Initiate development of a 4 hour training course for real estate professionals interested in developing a base knowledge of on-site wastewater treatment technologies and management options in the State of Texas.
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