2006-07 Deliverables
Task 6 Research
Principal Investigator(s): George Di Giovanni
We mutually agree for George D. Di Giovanni to deliver the following during the period of July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:
- Analyze a minimum of 24 Rio Grande irrigation water samples from targeted sampling sites in the El Paso/Sunland Park, NM/Juarez area for animal and human viruses, Enterococcus, and indicator organisms to assess and quantify the impact of wastewater treatment plant discharges and agricultural return flows on water quality.
- Positive virus and Enterococcus faecium esp samples will be analyzed by DNA genotyping and the potential host of origin (e.g. humans, cattle, birds) and risk to humans and animals identified.
- Results of the study will be published through the Texas Water Resources Institute in peer reviewed journals (e.g. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment), presented at local and national meetings (e.g. Universities Council on Water Resources), and the El Paso County Health Department for community outreach.