2006-07 Deliverables
Task 5 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Lesikar
We mutually agree for Bruce Lesikar to deliver the following during the period of June 1, 2006 to May 31, 2007, using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:
- Develop three video segments (2-5 minutes each) describing rainwater harvesting techniques implemented to collect rainwater for use in the residential landscape. These short video segments will assist in delivery of pertinent information through a Web site or presentation.
- Evaluate the potential for a second rainwater harvesting demonstration at Hidalgo County buildings in cooperation with Barbara Storz, horticulture agent.
- Conduct a landscape water conservation conference in cooperation with Barbara Storz.
- Evaluate the potential for construction of a green construction home. The Florida house is an example of a home that demonstrates water conservation techniques for a home. The cooperators will visit and evaluate the Florida house as a model home. A site adjacent to the Hidalgo County Extension Office is an ideal location for the construction of the water conservation demonstration home. Explore potential funding avenues for constructing the demonstration home.
- Mark Pena, chairperson for Edinburg beautification, described a need to develop water conservation program plans for the golf course located in central Edinburg. Their plans are to develop nature trails on the golf course as the lease expires. He needs assistance in community planning regarding proposal development for converting the property from the golf course to landscape with nature trails.
- Finalize and print the two fact sheets on water conservation addressing desalinization methods and water saving landscape ordinances. Desalinization plants are operating in the Rio Grande Valley and El Paso to provide drinking water. An Extension publication would assist in providing information to the general public.
- Print the “Rainwater Harvesting in West Texas” fact sheet currently being distributed by Billy Kniffen. This publication is in the final stages of editing by the authors. It will be submitted to agricultural communications for further editing and printing.
- Develop a table top rainwater harvesting display demonstrating the components of a system. A small house roof will be developed with guttering to collect runoff and divert rainwater to a collection tank. An irrigation system will dose water from the storage tank onto the yard. Irrigation water will be collected and diverted back to a collection tank for sprinkling back on the roof.
- Develop a fact sheet titled “Rainwater Harvesting in the Landscape.” This fact sheet will introduce at least three methods to harvesting rainwater for use by the home landscape. It is anticipated that the rainwater harvesting methods described in this fact sheet will be described further in the individual fact sheets.
- Assist Billy Kniffen and Monty Dozier in the implementation of the Rainwater Harvesting specialization of the Master Gardener program through development of educational resources and supporting travel by agents to the conference.