Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2006-07 Deliverables

Task 4 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Daniel Leskovar

We mutually agree for Daniel Leskovar to deliver the following during the period of July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:

  1. Determine the impact of plant growth regulators on drought tolerance of transplants.
  2. Evaluate deficit irrigation and nitrogen rates of watermelons.
  3. Determine the impact of irrigation systems (SDI and LPS) on yield and water-use of onions.
  4. Evaluate irrigation and N rates on yield, head size and water use efficiency of artichoke.
  5. Present three abstracts in Horticultural Sciences meetings. Areas: transplant stress tolerance, irrigation strategies and cultural strategies of vegetable crops.
  6. Chair the International Symposium on Seed, Transplant and Stand Establishment of Horticultural Crops in San Antonio (Related topic: abiotic stress and transplant stress tolerance).
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