Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2006-07 Deliverables

Task 1 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Zhuping Sheng

We mutually agree for Zhuping Sheng to deliver the following during the period of July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:

  1. Expand particle distribution analysis and laboratory permeability tests of additional soil samples from canals and laterals in the Upper Valley of El Paso.
  2. Continue to conduct infiltration tests in the field at the additional sites along the selected canal to determine spatial variation of seepage losses.
  3. Continue to develop a protocol/an approach for identification of sections of canals with high seepage losses using hydraulic conductivity test and field infiltration results.
  4. Characterize hydrological properties of different types of soils in the region through field measurements and laboratory tests.
  5. Characterize the interaction of surface water and groundwater in the region, and analyze its spatial and temporal variations through model simulation.
  6. Assess different management strategies for drought contingency and water conservation.
  7. Prepare a technical report and publish 1 or 2 papers.
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