2005-06 Deliverables
Principal Investigator(s): Districts 6 and 10 (Ensor)
We mutually agree for the designated Rio Grande Basin counties in the West Region to deliver the following educational programs during the period of May 15, 2005 to May 14, 2006 using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative:
- Irrigation Efficiency and Water Quality Issues in Agricultural Production - Precision Irrigation Network and other irrigation efficiency projects, salinity management in pecans, and salinity resistant alfalfa variety trials
- Landscape Water Conservation - irrigation efficiency/scheduling, xeriscaping, utilization of recommended and native plant species, and turf grass variety demonstrations
- Athletic field and recreational area programs (SAFE)
- Rainfall Harvesting Demonstrations and Workshops
- Watershed and Riparian Zone Management - paired watershed management plots
- In-Home Water Conservation
- Water Quality Issues - water screening, etc.
- Youth Water Education - State Water Camp, etc.
- Educational Programs on Water Resource Development for Communities