2005-06 Deliverables
Task 8 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Zhuping Sheng
- Enhance the cooperative relationship between the Rio Grande Basin Initiative program and Sustainable Agricultural Water Conservation program by sharing resources and developing collaborative research programs with Sul Ross State University and other state universities.
- An expanded water resources database for the Paso del Norte watershed management by incorporating new data collected by regional water stakeholders in collaboration with New Mexico State University and Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. The coordinated water resources database Web site will provide an easy access to the following data:
- Additional surface water gage stations,
- Historic and real-time flow and water quality data,
- Well information,
- Historic water level, water quality and pumpage data, and
- Real-time water level and water quality monitoring data.
- Enhance direct Web linkages with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Upper Rio Grande Water Operations Model (URGWOM) project activities:
- Developing protocols for sharing historical and real-time data in the Coordinated Database and GIS project with development of the physical model and planning version of the URGWOM;
- Sharing modeling results for different management and planning alternatives through the Coordinated Water Resources Database and GIS Web site.
- Additional hydrological data (water levels, flow of springs, infiltration rates and/or hydraulic conductivities) collected for better characterizing aquifers, and surface water and groundwater interaction in West Texas in collaboration with Kevin Urbanczyk at Sul Ross State University.
- Prepare one technical report and publish one paper.