2005-06 Deliverables
Task 8 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Raghavan Srinivasan, Jennifer Jacobs
- Data for natural resource, socio-economic and health related conditions in the Pecos Basin counties that will complement work completed for Rio Grande Basin counties. In addition, agricultural census data for these counties will be added to the existing study area map.
- Refined ArcIMS websites containing the environmental, socio-economic and health related data collected for each county throughout this project and posted on the Internet for public access.
- Increased functionality for sites, including spatial query and extraction features as time and resources permit.
- Materials, including a desktop computer, to analyze and process data needed to host on our website.
- Additional data collection processing needed for remaining counties (15) in the Pecos and Rio Grande Basin. These datasets will match those of the current counties (16) on the RGBI website. In addition to data processing, ArcIMS viewers will be created for each of the additional counties and all sites will continue to be refined based on stakeholder feedback.
- Collaborate with Texas State University in San Marcos, Sul Ross State University in Alpine, New Mexico State University, University of Texas - Austin, and USGS to share information and reduce duplication of data.
- As the websites are developed to the satisfaction of the lab, they will be posted for stakeholder access via the Internet through the http://riogrande.tamu.edu website.