Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2005-06 Deliverables

Task 7 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Lesikar

  1. Develop three video segments (2-5 minutes each) describing wastewater treatment and reuse issues. These short video segments will assist in delivery of pertinent information through a Web site or presentation.
  2. Finish video describing aerobic treatment units and spray dispersal. The video will need to be copied and distributed.
  3. Teach two short courses at the El Paso and Weslaco Training Centers.
  4. Continue cooperation with Eric Ellman, Rensselaerville Institute (NY), on implementing a self-help program for wastewater treatment in colonias along Rio Grande.
  5. Develop an ultraviolet light fact sheet describing how to use ultraviolet light as a method to disinfect residential wastewater. It will be developed through Ag Communications for placement in the TCEBookstore.
  6. Develop a portable, low pressure dosing demonstration for assisting in teaching field layout and supply manifold placement. These teaching aids will assist in understanding of field construction and operation.
  7. Conduct landscape water conservation and reuse conference in cooperation with Barbara Storz. This conference will be held during February 2006 in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, probably in the McAllen area. We are planning to bring in Private sector and State Agency speakers in addition to several Extension agents and specialist as speakers for this conference and will need the travel and other direct funds to cover their expenses. Gray water reuse, rain water harvesting and efficient irrigation are possible focal issues for the conference.
  8. Initiate development of a training course on low pressure distribution systems titled "OWTS 330 Low Pressure Distribution Systems." This document will describe the use of low pressure pipe systems for distribution of wastewater. These systems are available for wastewater distribution in clay soils.
  9. Evaluate subsurface drip tubing being used to distribute wastewater. The emitters in the tubing will have their flow rate measured. Using the flow rate data, uniformity of distribution will be determined.
  10. Finish and submit the short course titled: "OWTS 310 Spray Distribution" for approval through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for use as a training course for wastewater treatment practitioners. The manual is drafted and will need to pass through the review process.
  11. Finish and submit the short course titled: "OWTS 340 High Strength Wastewater Management" for approval through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for use as a training course for wastewater treatment practitioners. The manual is drafted and will need to pass through the review process.
  12. Develop a fact sheet titled "A Homeowners Guide to Selecting a Maintenance Service Provider." This fact sheet will describe the different maintenance contract options being marketed by current maintenance providers, and should assist the homeowner in answering questions and selecting a maintenance company. It will be developed through Ag Communications for placement in the TCEBookstore.
  13. Develop a fact sheet titled "Soil Particle Analysis." This fact sheet will describe methods to determine the soil particle size. The fact sheet will describe how to determine the clay, silt, sand and gravel fractions in the soil. This information is critical to determining the appropriate sizing for onsite wastewater treatment systems. It will be developed through Ag Communications for placement in the TCEBookstore.
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