Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2005-06 Deliverables

Task 5 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Janie Harris

  1. Work with three families per selected county (8) to identify how much water they use in their home prior to conducting focused educational programs and associated demonstrations, conservation information, etc
  2. Demonstration Components:
    • Provide educational information and provide a list of recommended behavior changes for Household A.
    • Provide educational information, conduct a home water audit, give list of recommended behavior and fixture changes for household B.
    • Provide educational information, conduct a home water audit, give list of recommended fixture changes and provide water efficient fixtures for one family (toilets, shower heads, aerators).
  3. Identify how much water each family uses in their home after intervention.
  4. Calculate the dollar savings and water saved (if any) for each family.
  5. Written report comparing the effectiveness of each intervention.
  6. Install water saving interventions and education for each family (as requested).
  7. Collaborate with New Mexico State University specialists and agents to share resources, program delivery and to combine outcome data.
  8. Conduct five or more water conservation educational programs.
  9. Maintain water educational materials and links on TCE Housing and Environment Web page by coordinating with TWRI Web person.
  10. Provide training for county Extension agents in water conservation in the home.
  11. Prepare educational packets and demonstration kits for participating county Extension agents to use in water conservation programming.
  12. Work with Family & Consumer Science, regional program directors and county Extension agents to revise outcome based water management plans as appropriate.
  13. Work with IRB to get approval to continue project.
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