2005-06 Deliverables
Task 5 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Lesikar
- Evaluate the potential for a second rainwater harvesting demonstration at Hidalgo County buildings in cooperation with Barbara Storz, Horticulture Agent.
- Conduct a landscape water conservation conference in cooperation with Barbara Storz. This conference will be held in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, probably in the McAllen area. We are planning to bring several Extension agents and specialist in as speakers for this conference and will need the travel funds to cover their expenses. Gray water reuse, rain water harvesting and efficient irrigation are possible focal issues for the conference.
- Evaluate the potential for construction of a green construction home. The Florida house is an example of a home that demonstrates water conservation techniques for a home. The cooperators will visit and evaluate the Florida house as a model home. A site adjacent to the Hidalgo County Extension Office is an ideal location for the construction of the water conservation demonstration home. Explore potential funding avenues for constructing the demonstration home.
- Mark Pena is the chairperson for Edinburg beautification. He described a need to develop water conservation program plans for the golf course located in central Edinburg. Their plans are to develop nature trails on the golf course as the lease expires. He needs assistance in community planning regarding proposal development for converting the property from the golf course to landscape with nature trails.
- Print the rain water for wildlife publication that is currently being reviewed in agricultural communications.
- Continue developing two short video segments describing water conservation techniques. These will be available for web delivery and technical presentations.
- Develop two additional fact sheets on water conservation addressing desalinization methods and water saving landscape ordinances. Desalinization plants are operating in the Rio Grande Valley and El Paso to provide drinking water. An Extension publication would assist in providing information to the general public.
- Establish a demonstration for landscape water irrigation and conservation in the El Paso and Ft. Stockton areas.
- Edit and finalize the Rainwater Harvesting in West Texas fact sheet currently being distributed by Billy Kniffen. This publication is currently a county publication and would be valuable to a broader audience.
- Print the water reuse publication that is currently being developed in agricultural communications.