2005-06 Deliverables
Task 4 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Zhuping Sheng, Naomi Assadian
- Compile existing well information and collect new well information to generate a well location map overlying with the surface water delivery network in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.
- Compile historic Rio Grande alluvium aquifer water level and water quality data.
- Identify spatial and temporal gaps in water level measurements and water quality data.
- Select locations for installation of monitoring boreholes, and equip boreholes for additional water level and water quality monitoring.
- Measure pH, EC and TDS of groundwater and surface water on site using a multi-parameter probe to identify problematic locations for water quality sampling.
- Collect water quality samples monthly from irrigation canals, drains and wells as identified in the above tasks.
- Conduct water chemistry analysis of collected water samples for pH, EC, Alkalinity, cations, anions, SAR, and process test results.
- Generate maps for depth to water and water level contours using the water level measurement data.
- Generate maps for fresh water and brackish water distributions using TDS and SAR as indicators within the lower El Paso valley overlying with soil map prepared by Dr. Miyamoto.
- Analyze water quality data to determine water quality changes as a result of groundwater pumping during drought if any.
- Develop management strategies to fully utilize available groundwater resources with minimum impacts on water quality and irrigation land.
- Provide irrigation district and farmers with test results so that a timely decision can be made on the usage of groundwater.
- Prepare a technical report on groundwater quality, impacts of pumping on water quality and guidelines for utilization of available groundwater, and publish a paper on surface and groundwater interaction.
Zhuping Sheng will direct field measurements, field sample collection and data analysis, and provide project management. Naomi Assadian will design sampling protocol, and direct laboratory analysis and test data processing. The technical report and paper will be prepared jointly by both PIs.