Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2005-06 Deliverables

Task 4 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Monty Dozier

  1. Perform on-farm crop monitoring/demonstrations in concert with corn, grain sorghum and cotton growers in Cameron and Hildago Counties, and in collaboration with area TCE Agents/Specialists to support CroPMan. Field monitoring will include:
    • Document crop water use, crop water use efficiency, and crop yield relationships using current cropping and irrigation practices for the prevailing management (i.e., single crop per year, furrow irrigation and conventional tillage) and alternative systems (double crop, furrow or buried drip irrigation and conservation tillage).
    • Receive weekly crop management precipitation updates (including metered irrigation) for demonstration from growers.
    • Compare actual versus simulated yields and water use for monitored fields.
    • Retrieve CroPMan data to identify alternative cropping and/or management strategies to reduce irrigation water use by 20%.
    • Document findings in TCE educational bulletins.
  2. Provide support for data collection and data review to Dr. Tom Gerik for use in CroPMan scenario efforts.
  3. Support technology transfer through two educational programs in the Rio Grande Valley.
  4. Distribute information generated by the project to agents in Cameron, Hidalgo and Starr Counties.
  5. Support efforts of other Task 4 team members through attendance of RBGI meetings.
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