Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2005-06 Deliverables

Task 4 Research
Principal Investigator(s): John Jifon

  1. Continue studies to evaluate the effects of regulated deficit irrigation on yield, quality and water use efficiency of muskmelons under subsurface drip irrigation (second year of a replicated study collaboration with Juan Enciso).
  2. Evaluate the effects of subsurface drip irrigation tape placement and emitter spacing on soil moisture depletion patterns in onions (second year of a replicated study in collaboration with Bob Wiedenfeld and Juan Enciso).
  3. Establish an experiment to evaluate the potential of antitranspirants for water conservation by different vegetable crops under drip irrigation.
  4. Initiate research with cooperating commercial producers to evaluate on-farm volumetric monitoring of irrigation water use as a best management practice tool for water conservation (with partial funding from the TWDB).
  5. Submit a manuscript on the effect of different irrigation rates on yield, quality and water use efficiency of muskmelon.
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