2005-06 Deliverables
Task 3 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Ron Lacewell, Ed Rister, Allen Sturdivant, Megan Stubbs
We mutually agree for Ron Lacewell, Ed Rister, Allen Sturdivant, and Megan Stubbs to deliver the following during the period of May 15, 2005 to May 14, 2006 using funds from the Rio Grande Basin Initiative. Note some efforts associated with Tasks 1, 3 and 4 (i.e., Irrigation District Studies, Institutional Incentives, and On-Farm Irrigation) are closely integrated between Extension and Research, and are thus reported on both the Extension and Research MOAs.
- Individual irrigation districts' operational characteristics will be identified and evaluated, a summary report will compare and contrast the alternatives and implications for efficiencies of allocation, and water use for four ID's beyond those already completed. The results will be published in technical reports through the TWRI (Spring 2006).
- Develop a report addressing the implications for water conservation within an irrigation district, relative to the incentives and barriers to adopting on-farm water conserving technologies and opportunities to bring irrigation district and on-farm interests together for consistent efforts (Spring 2006).
- Economic impacts of alternative water supply/conservation alternatives for the far west Texas region, with El Paso.