2005-06 Deliverables
Task 3 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Guy Fipps
- Test and evaluate the prototype distribution network and develop a GIS interface to facilitate its use by project personnel.
- Offer two short courses:
- A two day GIS (ArcGIS 8.3-9.0) beginners short course
- one day GPS (Survey Grade) beginners short course
- Analyze results from the Feb 2005 thermal imaging flyovers in cooperation with USDA-ARS and Steve Maas to access use of this technology for rapid canal/pipeline leak detection.
- Implement a Web-based account access and ordering system for Delta Lake to demonstrate the potential benefits to other districts. This effort will require redoing the database and creating new client software that then can be adapted to other districts in the future.
- Produce a report which evaluates and documents the water savings benefits of implemented rehabilitation projects through periodic documentation of durability and other factors.
- Develop procedures for calibrating gates/control structures to improve district water management.
- Continue the development of the RAT (rapid assessment tool - a combination of surveys, and cost-effective direct measurements for prioritizing district rehabilitation projects on projected water savings) by developing a knowledge-based search engine and database. Expand the RAT to include farm turnout flow optimization, quantification of head problems, and spills.
- Evaluate the use of satellite imagery to analyze trends in land-use as an aid in region rehabilitation project planning.
- In cooperation with Great Plains Meter, Inc., demonstrate the effectiveness of permanent on-farm flow meters equipped with telemetry back to the District headquarters. Develop a Web site for instantaneous report of flow information for internal district use (Company will donate 4 meters for this demonstration).