Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2005-06 Deliverables

Task 2 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Guy Fipps

  1. Develop two new short courses for landscape irrigators: Landscape Water Budgeting and Site Mapping using GIS-web based resources.
  2. Begin offering a CD/Web interactive course for landscape professionals.
  3. Offer three short courses in the Rio Grande Basin.
  4. Support three local networks and TexasET Web pages for LRGV, El Paso, and the San Antonio/Uvalde areas.
  5. Develop the next generation ET Web site that allows users to enter their profile and receive customized irrigation watering recommendations.
  6. Design a rainout shelter and turf drought recovery experimental facility to be constructed in San Antonio and help manage the project in cooperation with Texas A&M System Turf specialists.
  7. Support a large-scale demonstration and evaluation of the water savings benefits of ET ("smart") controllers in landscape irrigation.
  8. Develop a cooperative program on irrigation training with the Center for education and assistance in irrigation, Guanajuato, Mexico.
  9. Develop a report highlighting the irrigation programs of the Ag Program.
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