2004-05 Deliverables
Principal Investigator(s): District 10 (Mapston)
- Result demonstrations will provide water conservation data for the homeowners. Materials such as rain gauges, mulch, irrigation systems will be utilized.
- Students will increase their knowledge of water conservation practices through their participation in sessions at local ag fairs. Pre/post tests will provide data - materials required include: paper, copier toner, classroom supplies and supplies needed to teach 600 students basic principles of water conservation.
- Result demonstation data on water conservation will be published and distributed via web, newsletters, mass media and result demonstrations. Materials required include: office supplies, printing, paper.
- Programs in home water conservation will be presented to Head Start children and parents on home water conservation practices. Other target groups include 4-H volunteers and members, homeowners, students, civic clubs and organizations.
- A display will be developed to use at educational programs, displayed in Courthouse and used to support water conservation efforts. Materials required include: cost of producing exhibit posters, samples of water saving devices, handouts, publications, exhibit board, table cover, Rio Grande Basin Initiative logo/signage and TCE logo and signage.
- Mass media will be utilized to promote water conservation efforts through local newspapers and radio stations.
- Agents will participate in professional development training and conference to keep abreast of water conservation techniques and effective teaching methods. Materials required include: travel funds, registration fees, conference materials.