2004-05 Deliverables
Task 7 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Lesikar
- Finish video describing aerobic treatment units and spray dispersal. Currently have a draft script and will need to complete the video.
- Continue to collaborate on development of comic book style installation guide to assist homeowners install their own septic tank and drain field. This project is lead by Craig Runyan and Adrian Hansen.
- Teach two short courses at the El Paso and Weslaco Training Centers.
- Cooperate with Eric Ellman, Rensselaerville Institute, on implementing a self-help program for wastewater treatment in colonias.
- Develop a graywater fact sheet describing how to use graywater at a residence.
- Establish a water harvesting /reuse demonstration & conduct conference, Barbara Storz.
- Give a presentation at the Community Water Conference in Albuquerque on onsite wastewater treatment systems and graywater reuse.
- Develop portable subsurface drip distribution fields for assisting in teaching field layout and supply and return manifold placement. These teaching aids will assist in understanding of field construction and operation.
- Develop a short course for wastewater treatment practitioners on Spray Distribution of Effluent. This manual will cover the siting, design, installation, operation and maintenance of spray distribution systems. The manual will be submitted for approval through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
- Develop a short course for wastewater treatment practitioners on High Strength Wastewater. Wastewater generated in restaurants, gas stations with food service and strip center developments is different from residential wastewater and needs to be approached differently. This manual will cover the sources and constituents of wastewater, designing treatment systems for higher strength wastewater and designing final treatment and dispersal systems for high strength wastewater. The manual will be submitted for approval through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
- Revise and update the onsite wastewater treatment fact sheet describing 'Selecting and Permitting'. This fact sheet is several years old and needs revision. It will be revised through Ag. Communications for placement in the TCEBookstore.