Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2004-05 Deliverables

Task 6 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Michael Masser

  1. Provide annual progress reports on the established grass carp demonstrations to irrigation district managers.
  2. Conduct a demonstration on herbicide control of water hyacinth and/or water lettuce and provide a report to irrigation district managers.
  3. Conduct a demonstration on herbicide control of hydrilla as requested and provide a report to irrigation district managers.
  4. Continue to distribute posters on Invasive Aquatic Weeds of the Rio Grande as requested.
  5. Provide Master Naturalist trainings on aquatic ecology as requested.
  6. Offer aquatic vegetation management trainings as requested.
  7. Produce video news releases on Rio Grande demonstrations.
  8. Maintain the AQUAPLANT web site with plant identification, management options, and streaming video of aquatic vegetation control demonstrations.
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