Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2004-05 Deliverables

Task 5 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Lesikar

  1. Conduct an analysis of surveys returned identifying the preferences, feasibility and barriers of urban water conservation practices in cities in the Rio Grande basin, relative to water conservation.
  2. Develop a technical report describing the survey results. Distribute to each city that participated in the survey and at water conservation meetings conducted in each state.
  3. Utilize survey results to develop a set of criteria for implementation of the most preferred and feasible water conservation practices, based on water savings and costs.
  4. Develop and test a protocol for establishing an urban water conservation program. This pilot testing of the protocol will be conducted in one city within the Rio Grande Basin.
  5. Develop a technical report documenting water conservation program criteria including model ordinances, proclamations, and implementation strategies, including likely quantities of water conserved by each.
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