2004-05 Deliverables
Task 5 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Lesikar
- Assist Barbara Storz, Horticulture Agent, implement a demonstration on Rainwater Harvesting. Labor and travel is needed to assist in constructing the displays.
- Conduct a conference on September 24, 2004 in cooperation with Barbara Storz for Grounds maintenance personnel targeting maintenance of landscapes utilizing native plants. Also, on September 25, 2004 the conference will target local citizens interested in native plant establishment using water harvesting techniques. (This conference, September 2004 will discuss both rainwater harvesting and graywater use. Therefore, it is being shared between tasks 5 & 7). We are planning to bring several Extension agents and specialist in as speakers for this conference and will need the travel funds to cover their expenses. Water conservation and efficient irrigation will be the focus.
- Develop a fact sheet describing water capture and storage techniques (gravel drains/storage trenches, chambers for downspouts, etc) for using rainwater and alternative water supplies in the landscape. Develop the second fact sheet on range water harvesting techniques.
- Print the rainwater harvesting bulletin currently in editorial review in Ag communications.
- Develop short video segments describing water conservation techniques. These will be available for web delivery and technical presentations.
- Establish a demonstration for landscape water irrigation and conservation in the El Paso and Ft Stockton areas.
- Develop a fact sheet describing water harvesting for range production areas. Describe water collection techniques for wildlife.
- Develop a fact sheet describing water reuse. This publication will describe how to implement landscape irrigation around the home with alternative water supplies.