Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2004-05 Deliverables

Task 3 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Ron Lacewell

  1. A review of the history, organization, rules, water allocation mechanisms, and methods of electing a board of directors and defining the district manager will be completed for Harlingen, Brownsville, Delta Lake, and three to five additional ID's with the results published in a TWRI TR. (publications beginning in spring of 2004)
  2. With six to eight individual ID's operational characteristics identified and evaluated, a summary report will compare and contrast the alternatives and implications for efficiencies of allocation and water use. The results published in a TWRI TR. (Spring 2005)
  3. Develop a report addressing the implications for water conservation within an ID relative to the incentives and barriers to adopting on farm water conserving technologies and opportunities to bring ID and on farm together for consistency. (Spring 2005)
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