2003-04 Deliverables
Task 3 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Ari Michelsen
- Complete the 2003 survey of EBID farmers and analyze responses of farm-level irrigation water use, crops, irrigation methods and incentives and barriers to water conservation. Prepare, publish and present survey research results at local, regional and national water management meetings to improve the understanding and implementation of water conservation measures. This is a collaborative effort of Ari Michelsen, TAMU-TAES and Frank Ward and LeeAnn DeMouche, NMSU.
- Develop and conduct a follow up farm-level survey of irrigation water use, crops, irrigation methods and actual conservation methods used to cope with the severe drought in the Upper Rio Grande Basin. The survey and results will continue to examine incentives and barriers to water conservation in the region. The follow up will be of EBID farmers. Efforts will be made to expand the survey to EPCWID#1; this is contingent on District cooperation. This is a collaborative effort of Ari Michelsen, TAMU-TAES and Frank Ward and LeeAnn DeMouche, NMSU.
- Produce and distribute "Drought Watch on the Rio Grande" in collaboration with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, an information and educational outreach publication to increase awareness and knowledge of river water supply, storage and water allocation conditions in the Rio Grande Project bi-state region of New Mexico and Texas. This publication is produced bi-weekly to monthly during the irrigation season. Ari Michelsen, TAMU-TAES.
- Develop an electronic database and produce a technical report of historical long-run (1939-2002_ irrigated acreage supplied by the Rio Grande by river segment and totals for both the U.S. and Mexico from Elephant Butte Reservoir in the Upper Basin all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. Prepare and publish a technical report of this information and share the electronic database for research, agency and public use. This research is being conducted in collaboration with the International Boundary and Water Commission. Ari Michelsen, TAMU-TAES.
- Develop a guidebook for the El Paso County Water Improvement District #1 on water right ownership, allocation, measurement and water delivery operating rules within the irrigation district. This is contingent on District cooperation. Ari Michelsen, TAMU-TAES and working with Frank Ward and LeeAnn DeMouche (NMSU) as appropriate.
- Participate in local, state, regional and national water management meetings to exchange information and coordinate water resources research and related activities. Organizations include: New Mexico-Texas Water Commission; Paso del Norte Water Task Force; Paso del Norte Watershed Council, El Paso County Water Improvement District #1, Hudspeth County Water Improvement District; Elephant Butte Irrigation District; El Paso Water Utilities; Far West Texas Water Planning Group; Texas Water Development Board, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute; U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; International Boundary and Water Commission; and Texas Clean Rivers Program. Ari Michelsen, TAMU-TAES.