2002-03 Deliverables
Task 8 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Monty Dozier, Tom Gerik, Mark McFarland
- Implement CroPMan in at least two counties' Extension educational programs in conjunction with county agents and specialists. Facilitate interpretations for producers regarding specific crop management details.
- In early June, develop measurable benchmarks to track and evaluate program success for 2002-2003.
- By July 2002, identify farmers to use model with. Test/validate CroPMan double cropping systems feature.
- By July 2002, complete programming update to add double cropping operations and output analysis features to CroPMan for cropping systems analyses in the LRGV. Use LRGV field data to test/validate model.
- By August 2002, plan 2003 CroPMan demonstrations with Extension specialists, county agents and with three or more local farmers.
- By January 2003, begin hands-on use of model with cooperating farmers and county agents.
- From February to June 2003, work with Extension specialist, county agents and growers in using CroPMan model to improve real-time management of water and other crop production practices.