Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2002-03 Deliverables

Task 6 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Monty Dozier

  1. Develop a method of field level screening of lead in drinking water (by July 2002)
  2. Conduct Water Screening educational events associated with bacteria, nitrate, lead, and conductivity in Real, Edwards, and Kimble Counties (by August 2002)
  3. Conduct Water Screening educational events associated with bacteria, nitrate, lead, and conductivity in Webb County (by October 2002)
  4. Develop and publish a publication on nitrates in drinking water (by November 2002)
  5. Develop and publish a publication on home water treatment in drinking water (by November 2002)
  6. Develop and publish a publication on lead in drinking water (by February 2003)
  7. Work with Bruce Lesikar to demonstrate treatment benefits of zeo-lite for pathogens, nutrients, and pesticides (by April 2003)
  8. Conduct an agent training of use of educational watershed and ground water models for District 10 (by April 2003)
  9. Conduct Water Screening educational events associated with bacteria, nitrate, lead, and conductivity in El Paso County (by April 2003)
  10. Develop and publish a publication on public drinking water standards (by April 2003)
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