2002-03 Deliverables
Task 6 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Monty Dozier
- Develop a method of field level screening of lead in drinking water (by July 2002)
- Conduct Water Screening educational events associated with bacteria, nitrate, lead, and conductivity in Real, Edwards, and Kimble Counties (by August 2002)
- Conduct Water Screening educational events associated with bacteria, nitrate, lead, and conductivity in Webb County (by October 2002)
- Develop and publish a publication on nitrates in drinking water (by November 2002)
- Develop and publish a publication on home water treatment in drinking water (by November 2002)
- Develop and publish a publication on lead in drinking water (by February 2003)
- Work with Bruce Lesikar to demonstrate treatment benefits of zeo-lite for pathogens, nutrients, and pesticides (by April 2003)
- Conduct an agent training of use of educational watershed and ground water models for District 10 (by April 2003)
- Conduct Water Screening educational events associated with bacteria, nitrate, lead, and conductivity in El Paso County (by April 2003)
- Develop and publish a publication on public drinking water standards (by April 2003)