Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2002-03 Deliverables

Task 5 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Richard H. White

  1. Establish residential landscape response units within the Rio Grande Valley. Response units will be classified based on lot size, plant species, plant density, type of irrigation, and overall landscape design during May 2002 through July 2002.
  2. Create a data base which categorizes landscape response units into type such as "Mesic", "Xeric", or "Oasis" during May 2002 through July 2002.
  3. Intensively instrument one or more response units to determine actual evapotranspiration (ET) of integrated landscapes using a water balance method for the entire landscape during July 2002.
  4. Determine and report actual water use for various landscape design types (response units) during August 2002 through February 2003.
  5. Determine the relationship between actual ET and landscape irrigation coefficients for one or more integrated landscapes. August 2002 through March 2003.
  6. Utilize the information obtained from landscape response units to refine and publish a model landscape water conservation guide - May 2003.
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