2002-03 Deliverables
Task 4 Research
Principal Investigator(s): Bob Wiedenfeld
- Develop crop coefficients for use with reference evapotranspiration for sugarcane using moisture balance based on soil moisture monitoring, degree days, and leaf area index (a 60 acre sprinkler irrigated field). Results for the plant crop were completed in November 2001, and results for the first ratoon crop will be available in November 2002. (Co-PIs: Colaizzi and Amador)
- Determine sugarcane response to different levels of soil moisture stress and N fertilization (a replicated, drip irrigated field study). Data collection for the plant crop was completed in January 2002, and data collection for the first ratoon crop will be available in January 2003. (Co-PI: Colaizzi)
- Compare crop water use for conventional versus several conservation tillage systems in the subtropical Rio Grande Valley (a replicated field study). Data collection for the 1st crop year will be complete January 2003. (Co-PI: Colaizzi)
- Evaluate an "electrostatic precipitator" on the effects of irrigation water quality on sugarcane growth and yield (in a commercial grower's field). Data collection for the plant crop will be complete in January 2003. (Co-PI: Colaizzi)
- Develop and publish a Sugarcane Irrigation Guide for sugarcane growers in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Publication will be available for distribution in September 2002. (Co-PIs: Colaizzi and Amador)
- Complete and submit a manuscript on tools for scheduling irrigation of sugarcane by October 2002.
- Complete sugarcane irrigation section in Irrigation in Agriculture monograph by January 2003.
- Compare crop water use by different cool-season vegetable crops under drip and flood irrigation (a replicated field study). Data collection for the first crop season will be complete in June 2002. (Co-PI: Pillai)