Rio Grande Basin Initiative

2002-03 Deliverables

Task 3 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Guy Fipps

  1. Conduct short courses for district and agency personnel on:
    1. GPS surveying with hands-on training (1 week).
    2. GIS beginning class (2) and advanced class (1) (4 hours each).
  2. Assist 8 districts with taking full advantage of in-house GIS capabilities through individual technical assistance and training of personnel:
    1. GIS.
    2. Database integration.
    3. Collecting and organizing information needed for rehab planning.
    4. GPS mapping and integration with GIS and database.
  3. Conduct a thermal imaging flyover in cooperation with USDA-ARS and Steve Moss as part of methodology development for rapid canal/pipeline leak detection. Analyze data and compare with field verifications.*
  4. Develop a prototype Web site that demonstrates the uses for GIS-linked databases. In cooperation with at least one district, demonstrate Web-based capabilities for:
    1. Grower access to account data and field/map locations.
    2. International district communication and data management.

(*may be limited due to water shortages)

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