2002-03 Deliverables
Task 1 Extension
Principal Investigator(s): Guy Fipps
Complete GIS-linked databases and maps of districts to support evaluation of proposed infrastructure projects, methods for improved irrigation district distribution system management, and regional water planning. These include maps and, with district cooperation, basic attributes (i.e. canal width, pipeline diameter, material) of:
- main distribution networks for all LRGV districts
- main distribution networks for Maverick, Hudspeth, and El Paso Districts.
In cooperation with the United Irrigation District, demonstrate procedures for conducting a total district evaluation of potential water savings and ranking benefits from different types of rehabilitation projects. Conduct tests and collect data to verify methods and ranking, including:
- rating for all canals in district and verification with 10 seepage loss rate tests*
- estimating losses due to spills, charging of canals, and other in-transit and storage losses
- analysis of the head situation and effects at the farm turnout
- rating of distribution network gates and other water control structures.
Analyze current conditions and infrastructure needs of individual districts. Use this analysis for developing recommended procedures (see 4 below):
- conduct 4 to 6 seepage loss rate tests* with San Benito, and help measure flow at 13 locations in district and collect soil samples for soil mechanics testing
- determine capacity of new laterals and turnouts to maximize head and improve farm irrigation with San Benito
- meet with the engineering consultants and management staff of 6 districts with proposed rehabilitation projects to determine the needs for assistance in determining water and energy savings for cost-share applications.
Develop how-to guides (i.e., recommended procedures and guidelines) for estimating and/or determining water and energy savings of proposed rehab projects:
- seepage loss testing and analysis (completed manual)
- benefits of improving head and increasing storage in distribution network (working draft).
(*water shortages may restrict the number of seepage loss tests conducted)